
【顶级期刊创业研究速递】ETP 2019年第4期中英文摘要

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

Who Goes Freelance? The Determinants of Self-Employment for Artists



Joanna Woronkowicz1 and Douglas S. Noonan2

1 School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA

2 School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA



This study examines the self-employment behavior of artists. Using data from the Current Population Survey between 2003 and 2015, we estimate a series of logit models to predict transitions from paid employment to self-employment in the arts. The results show that artists disproportionately freelance and frequently switch in and out of self-employment compared to all other professional workers. We also find that artists exhibit unique entrepreneurial profiles, particularly in terms of their demographic and employment characteristics. In particular, artist workers are considerably more likely to attain self-employment status when living in a city with a high saturation of artist occupations.

Do Corporate Investors Affect Entrepreneurs’ IP Portfolio Entrepreneurial Finance and Intellectual Property in New Firms



Ikenna Uzuegbunam1, Brandon Ofem2, and Satish Nambisan3

1Department of Management, College of Business, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA

2College of Business Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA

3Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA



This study investigates the impact of corporate venture capital (CVC) funding on new firms’ subsequent intellectual property (IP) outcomes (i.e., patents, copyrights, and trademarks). The central premise is that CVC funding will encourage the development of technology-centric IP outcomes while dissuading the development of market-centric IP outcomes. Specifically, CVC investments entail a trade-off, which will increase post-funding patent/copyright output while decreasing post-funding trademark output in new firms. Findings from an analysis of a multiindustry sample of U.S. new firms provide broad support for this study thesis and suggest that the impact of CVC funding is contingent on entrepreneurs’ industry-specific experience.

Relocation to Get Venture Capital: A Resource Dependence Perspective



Sofie De Prijcker1, Sophie Manigart2,3, Veroniek Collewaert4,5, and Tom Vanacker2,3

1Department of Financial Management, KU Leuven, Campus Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

2Department of Accounting, Corporate Finance and Taxation, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

3Area Accounting and Finance, Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium

4Area Entrepreneurship, Governance and Strategy, Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium

5Department of Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium



Using a resource dependence perspective, we theorize and show that non-venture-capital-backed ventures founded in U.S. states with a lower availability of venture capital (VC) are more likely to relocate to California (CA) or Massachusetts (MA)—the two VC-richest states—compared to ventures founded in states with a greater availability of VC. Moreover, controlling for self-selection, ventures that relocate to CA or MA subsequently have a greater probability of attracting initial VC compared to ventures that stay in their home state. We discuss the implications for theory, future research, and practice.

Necessity or Opportunity: The Effects of State Fragility and Economic Development on Entrepreneurial Efforts



Jose´ Ernesto Amoro´ s1,3, Luciano Ciravegna2, Vesna Mandakovic3, and Pekka Stenholm4

1EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico

2King’s College, University of London, Department of International Development, UK; and INCAE, Costa Rica

3Universidad del Desarrollo, School of Business and Economics, Santiago, Chile

4University of Turku, Entrepreneurship Unit, Turku School of Economics, Turku, Finland


本文研究了国家脆弱性和经济发展对生存型和机会型的个人创业努力的影响。我们通过考察2005 - 2013年期间来自51个国家的956,925名个人的多层次数据,为关于创业情境决定因素的文献做出贡献。我们表明,国家脆弱性对基于生存型的创业努力产生了积极影响,同时阻碍了机会型的创业努力。我们的发现表明经济发展水平缓和了国家脆弱性和生存型驱动的创业努力之间的关系,降低了后者的可能性。我们讨论了理论和创业政策的启示。

This paper studies the effects of state fragility and economic development on necessity and opportunity-based individual entrepreneurial efforts. We contribute to the literature on the contextual determinants of entrepreneurship by examining multilevel data on 956,925 individuals from 51 countries for the period of 2005–2013. We show that state fragility has a positive effect on necessity-based entrepreneurial efforts while hindering opportunity-based efforts. Our findings illustrate that the level of economic development moderates the relationship between state fragility and necessity-driven entrepreneurial efforts reducing the likelihood of the latter. We discuss the implications for theory and for proentrepreneurship policy.

Entrepreneurial Orientation Rhetoric in Franchise Organizations: The Impact of National Culture



Anna Watson1, Olufunmilola (Lola) Dada2, Owen Wright3, and Rozenn Perrigot4

1Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK

2Department of Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation; Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

3Griffith Business School, Nathan campus, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

4Graduate School of Management, IGR-IAE Rennes and CREM UMR CNRS 6211, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France


本研究考察了国家文化在特许经营者招聘宣传材料中所包含的创业导向(EO)修辞中的作用,其中EO修辞被定义为组织叙事中词汇的战略用途,以传达风险承担,创新,主动性,自主性和 公司的竞争激进。该样本包括378个特许经营组织,分布在五个不同的国家(澳大利亚,法国,印度,南非和英国)。结果表明,在高度避免不确定性和女性文化中运作的特许经营体系使用较少的创业导向修辞,这表明特许经营组织中的EO修辞因不同的国家文化背景而异。

This study examines the role of national culture on the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) rhetoric contained within franchisee recruitment promotional materials, where EO rhetoric is defined as the strategic use of words in organizational narratives to convey the risk taking, innovativeness, proactiveness, autonomy, and competitive aggressiveness of the firm. The sample comprised 378 franchise organizations, in five different countries (Australia, France, India, South Africa, and the UK). The results indicate that franchise systems operating in high uncertainty avoidance and feminine cultures use less entrepreneurially oriented rhetoric, suggesting that EO rhetoric in franchise organizations varies according to different national cultural contexts.

How Angel Know-How Shapes Ownership Sharing in Stage-Based Contracts



S. Sinan Erzurumlu1, Nitin Joglekar2, Moren Le´vesque3, and Fehmi Tanrisever4

1Olin School of Business, Babson College, Babson Park, MA, USA

2Questrom School of Business, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA

3Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada

4Faculty of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey



We draw upon stewardship theory to formally derive bounds on the investment amount in a business prospect, and to characterize ownership sharing when investors offer two-stage financing along with know-how to increase the prospect’s valuation. In the early-development stage, we show that the direct effect of investor know-how increases the entrepreneur’s share while the indirect effect from that know-how due to its interaction with the investment size, decreases it. In the subsequent growth stage, the direct effect decreases the entrepreneur’s share while the indirect effect increases it. These tradeoffs offer theoretical and practical implications for writing investment contracts involving investor know-how.

Barbarians at the Gate of the Middle Kingdom: The International Mobility of Financing Contract and Governance



Victor Zitian Chen, PhD1 and Sunny Li Sun, PhD2

1Belk College of Business, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA

2Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, USA



Focusing on equity ratchet as a practice, we study how foreign private equity (PE) investors interacted with local agents in the process of legitimation and legalization of foreign financing contract and governance in the Chinese PE industry, while it was underdeveloped. Based on seven cases in China, we propose a three-stage microprocess model of international institutional entrepreneurship in an emerging field with high ambiguity: framing a motivational vision to promote a new practice; early adoption by local nonmainstream agents who gain legitimacy from diverse sources of institutional logic; and dominant mainstream adopters seeking legal protection to sustain their benefits. Our theory extends the emerging discussion on the transfer of corporate governance and institutional entrepreneurship across borders.




本期我们分享了【顶级期刊创业研究速递】ETP 2019年第4期中英文摘要 。如果您感兴趣并想进一步了解,欢迎阅读《创业画布》。




【研究速递】2019JBV 创业与幸福感特刊

- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



